Unturned Unturned 16 Slots

Unturned 2GB Server

• Intel Xeon 2670 : 4 Cores
• 16 Slots
• 3 Backups
• Unmetered Slots
• Unlimited NVMe SSD Storage
• 3 MySQL® Databases
• Unmetered Bandwidth
• Pterodactyl Control Panel

Custom Options

Customize your service options for your package

Select the location
Input 1 to enable or 0 to disable
Input 1 to enable or 0 to disable
Set your server name in the in game browser
Wan't to run multiple maps with different loot tables changed the value and it will generate a new directory in the servers folder in the file manager
Set the difficulty or make it a gold only server examples of input easy, normal, hard and gold.
Change the perspective of the player from first to third or both eg Both, third, first or vehicle
Change the server map

Payment method

Select the desired Payment method

Personal details

Please enter your personal details

Custom notes

You can include any special requests or things we should know.

Order Summary


Monthly $$6.40

Setup fee $$0.00

Discount -$0.00

VAT Incl. $0.00

Due today



Once payment is completed, the amount you have selected will be credited to your account balance, enabling you to renew your services or place new orders.

How much do you want to add?